Galactic Maya Hologram: The Dreamtime Telektonon of Valum Votan and Bolon Ik. The Galactic Seed Crystallisation of Timeship Earth.

(ENG) Galactic Maya Revelation inscribed within the Telektonon Matrix!

Tortuga 13:20

“The great meaning of Galactic Maya Consciousness is the memory of their primordial Ancestors. On one side, they are Pacal Votan and Bolon Ik from Palenque. On the other, they are Valum Votan and Bolon Ik from the Dreamspell”. — Tortuga1320

“The Galactic Maya Revelation has been accurately inscribed within all the multidimensional matrices. In the same way, it has always been inscribed in the temples of the Maya in Palenque”. — Tortuga1320

Just after traversing the inter-dimensional frequencies of Samhain and All Saints Day, there will occur a truly divine synchronicity of the Galactic Maya. On the “Day of the Dead”, which is an ancient tradition in Mexico, a powerful portal will be opening into a telepathic transmission from the original source. This threshold will be happening during Gregorian dates of 2/11 and 3/11 (2-3 November 2017), Kin 163 (Resonant Night) and Kin 164 (Galactic Seed). Both dates…

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Galactic Feminine: Universal Wisdom from the Tz’akbu Ajaw Archetype, formerly “Red Queen”

It has been 23 years today since the opening of the tomb of the mysterious Mayan Queen of Palenque. Without a doubt, this finding constitutes one of the most relevant events for the gender studies and the change of Mayan Era, which happened in 2012. From a multidimensional archetypal perspective, it also initiated a portal of universal Ancient Wisdom towards a New Humanity. Here, some insights about our upcoming book, Galactic Feminine, to be presented through Magikana Publishing, UK, 2017.

Galactic Feminine

It has been 23 years today since the opening of the tomb of the mysterious Mayan Queen of Palenque. Without a doubt, this finding constitutes one of the most relevant events for the gender studies and the change of Mayan Era, which happened in 2012. From a multidimensional archetypal perspective, it also initiated a portal of universal Ancient Wisdom towards a New Humanity. Here, some insights about our upcoming book, Galactic Feminine, to be presented through Magikana Publishing, UK, 2017.

Between the months of May and June 2017, it has been 23 years since the process of discovering and the opening of the tomb of the royal female of Lakamha (“Great Waters”, Palenque). The uncovering, which happened in the year 1994, unveiled the first female tomb who was found within a pyramid in the Americas, as well as the second tomb of its type after the one of King…

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Seeding the New Earth: Clear Prophecy Signs from the Birth and Passing of Galactic Maya Baba

A symbolic part of the Galactic Maya Tribe is missing and grieving the “universal assistant”, Baba D Tanka, who recently passed away on the past 31st May 2014 AD. The global family misses the Rainbow Child, the intuitive (feminine) readings of the Dreamspell; but especially the inspirational activation towards allowing the self to ascend their …


Itzadragon~✿~ Galactic Dragonfly Mystical Philosopher ~ Visionary Sonic Channeller ~ Peace Activist ~ Artist ~ Poet ~ Writer ~ Journalist ~ Singer ~ Music Curator ~ Music Producer ~  Publisher ~ Organiser ~ Galactivator. Time is Art ((( ♥ ))) Life is Art Visionary Art by David Cody Evans About: Meaning and Purpose of Itzadragon~✿~Galactic Dragonfly. Ancient Future Galactivations: Visionary facilitations created …